Being and making disciples of Jesus
We’re a mixed community of believers of all ages: at Bearsden Baptist Church, you’ll find singles, couples, young families, teenagers, empty nesters and senior citizens. There’s definitely a place for you.
We’re passionate about our relationship with Jesus and want everyone—wherever you are on your journey—to discover that passionate relationship for yourself.
The Well-Come Café
The Well-Come café, named after John 4:1-42, is now open from 2-4pm every Wednesday, in Room 2 of Maxholme (the older section of the building).
The café is a loving, safe and non-judgemental place where everyone is accepted. There will be activities, crafts and refreshments provided but also simply the opportunity to rest and be human together.
A short time of prayer using Psalm 103 or the Lord’s Prayer, to which all are invited without obligation, will be offered at the end of each session and there will be the opportunity to signpost people to further helpful resources or agencies in the local community, if needed. If you or anyone you know among friends, neighbours, family or colleagues are struggling with loneliness, weariness, grief, anxiety or depression, please know you are welcome here!
All are welcome in the kingdom of God!
For more information, contact us.
Bumps and Bundles
In our time together there are various activities: crafts, free play, special baby area, songs and story time, books, puzzles and Lego activities. Snack time for kids and coffee and delicious treats for the adults. We sometimes have a puppet show and a variety of special activities throughout the year, especially at Christmas and Easter.
The group is based on Christian principles and teaching, and we offer a listening ear and prayer if wanted.
Lunchbreak is open to anyone, but is particularly suitable for those over 60, women and men. The first hour we will provide a lunch (no fixed charge, only donations requested). The second hour will be spent singing favourite hymns and then listening to a guest speaker, singer or musicians.
We are a happy, welcoming group, seeking to share God’s love in our community. Please do come and join us.
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We are a family-friendly church aiming to serve our community and so visitors are assured of a warm and friendly welcome at our church, where a crèche is always available during the service, as well as our Kidzone group for kids from preschool age to P6. We also run our Crossroads group for young people of secondary age during the service – so why not bring the whole family to church!
After the service tea, coffee and biscuits are on offer, and you have an opportunity to chat and get to know new people – it would be great to meet you.