Small Groups
Bearsden Baptist Church is home to a good number of thriving small groups, which meet regularly to study the Bible & enjoy each other’s company.
Would you like to join one of these groups or start a new small group?
Why join a small group?
These groups have been the starting point for making new friendships and deepening existing ones.
- People talk more in small groups – it’s a safe space to explore your faith & the Bible together with others
- People are more likely to practice what they learn – discussion & accountability encourage us to put our faith & learning into practice
- Use your gifts & talents to bless others
- Group members can help each other in hard times through practical help, prayer support & encouragement
- Enjoy being with other Christians – belonging to a small group provides the chance to mix with people we’ve never had the chance to get to know before
How do small groups meet during the current restrictions?
Under normal circumstances, small groups tend to meet in someone’s home.
Although there is no substitute to meeting together face to face, existing small groups have found that meeting remotely via Zoom works well & can even offer some advantages:
- No need for babysitters
- No need to travel during the winter weather
- Greater flexibility around meeting times
- Groups can be larger because physical space isn’t an issue
- Breakout rooms can be used to break into pairs for prayer or discussion – something which is much trickier to organise in a physical space
There is also the possibility for new & existing groups to meet in the church sanctuary on an occasional basis as studying the Bible constitutes an act of worship. This is a great opportunity to enjoy being together, albeit with the use of masks & social distancing.
How often and for how long do groups meet?
How often and for how long your small group meets is entirely up to you:
- Some groups meet for an hour each week.
- Others may decide to meet for a couple of hours once a fortnight.
- Many groups connect over WhatsApp or text messaging so they can stay in touch during the week.
If you would like more information about joining a small group, please contact us to discuss the options and what might work best for you.