Bearsden Baptist Church Gardens


We have an amazing green space, which is open to the public right at the heart of Bearsden Cross. Our site includes formal gardens and woodland, which slopes down to Bearsden Tennis Club. Over the last few years we have worked to increase access so that more people from the local community can enjoy the space, tranquility and beauty of our gardens.


Our church building is situated on an ancient Roman Fort, which was built as one of the stations on the Antonine wall. Our Roman Soldier woodcarving, ‘Maximus’ keeps watch over the lower lawn.

We are working in partnership with the Rediscovering the Antonine Wall project team to make the Roman heritage of our site more visible. We are the first community project to receive a grant of £15,000 from the £2.1 million fund to develop our site (Timeline: 2019 – 2021).

We have created a Roman mosaic, facilitated a community art project, are developing a Granary Garden and improving signage.

You can find out more about the history of the site by watching this short film.



For a 3D view of fort follow the link.




“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” – Jesus

We are a member of the Quiet Garden Movement, which encourages silence and contemplation in the outdoors. www.quietgarden.org


Following the example of Jesus and building on the known benefits or silence and nature. Our Slow Down Breathe and Refresh course uses our gardens and attracts people from both our church and community who want to make time to slow down and be still. You will be guided through a variety of activities, reflections and short discussions. We include time to be silent alone and in a group setting.  We have also included some resources on our website for you to use on your own in our gardens.



If you would like to volunteer to support the maintenance of the gardens please get in touch via office@bearsdenbaptistchurch.org.

Our gardens are open to the public every day between 10 am  and 5 pm.